SO... it's been quite some time since I've blogged here. What's been going on?
Changed jobs, twice
Had a baby
Almost got a divorce
got so far in debt I still don't know what to do
Thats about it.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Since I've been gone (fat, baseball, race, hookers, etc)...
...the world has turned all topsy turvy. Let's start with me. I'm still on the weight loss train and chugging along at a nice pace. I've had a few setbacks, and I've made some excuses as well, but i'm committed to this so I can't be a chump. I'm going to start ramping it up in April and May cause I want that dough. Plus I'll have a little time on my hands.
As faithful readers already know, my current position runs out on April 2, so what's a Brotha to do? I'm not going to tell you yet, but it'll be big.
My baseball team is getting better. Opening day is only 2 days away, assuming we're not in the middle of a blizzard on saturday morning. All of the pieces are in place, we just have to take it one game at a time (and every other cliche I can think of). Here is their current picture.

Nice looking bunch of guys, huh.
In other news, let's talk about Obama and his "fun" with his pastor. It's my opinion that he did what he's supposed to do. His speech was great and he decided to broach the subject of race in America. I've been reading a lot on both sides about this, and the thing that cracks me up is when those that oppose him say that he's been a part of a "racist" church and shouldn't be associated with a racist tend to forget that Bush took a endorsement from the guys that run Bob Jones U, who say that interracial relations are a sin against humanity; (that sounds pretty racist, right?), Bill Clinton is a Southern Baptist, a denomination that has 2 wings, one for Blacks and one for Whites since the Whites refused to let Blacks take part. no one talks about that. Or the fact that the Catholic Church segregated itself at every level until the early 1980s and in some cases still do by order of the local bishop! When I was in college, I went on a service trip to Mississippi to help build houses. I had to sleep on the floor of the rectory because the "Christian families" that were sponsoring the service project didn't allow black people into their houses unless they were the help. "If I were to let that colored boy live here (yours truly), i'd have to burn the sheets when he left." I'm not bitter, but I have an understanding of race that a lot of people don't. There's nothing like having your hand extended to shake your future father-in-law and it just sit there, and have to wonder if its because he doesn't like you (impossible, everyone likes me) or doesn't like your color. Luckily I didn't let that stop me and now we actually get along (even though he is a Repub)
Next up, How could Eliot Spitzer be so stupid??!!??WTF? if you made your bones busting prostitution rings, you have first hand knowledge on how they work. Why would you do that? go see an independent? set up a deal. do something, but not a escort service. and let's talk about her. Cute, dare I say hot, but 4K hot??? not really. Plus, if you know anything about that sort of thing (not that I do, I just have friends) she's only getting about 1K of that money. maybe 2. sad. Plus, don't make your wife do the equivalent of the perp walk - it's bad enough that you got caught, then you made her look even dumber than she already did by standing there.
That's all for now. I'll blog after Easter (fun with the family - that's going to be so much fun since my sister goes to Trinity UCC, and we're really political) and my first baseball game.
Most people have a desire to look for the exception instead of the desire to become exceptional.
As faithful readers already know, my current position runs out on April 2, so what's a Brotha to do? I'm not going to tell you yet, but it'll be big.
My baseball team is getting better. Opening day is only 2 days away, assuming we're not in the middle of a blizzard on saturday morning. All of the pieces are in place, we just have to take it one game at a time (and every other cliche I can think of). Here is their current picture.
Nice looking bunch of guys, huh.
In other news, let's talk about Obama and his "fun" with his pastor. It's my opinion that he did what he's supposed to do. His speech was great and he decided to broach the subject of race in America. I've been reading a lot on both sides about this, and the thing that cracks me up is when those that oppose him say that he's been a part of a "racist" church and shouldn't be associated with a racist tend to forget that Bush took a endorsement from the guys that run Bob Jones U, who say that interracial relations are a sin against humanity; (that sounds pretty racist, right?), Bill Clinton is a Southern Baptist, a denomination that has 2 wings, one for Blacks and one for Whites since the Whites refused to let Blacks take part. no one talks about that. Or the fact that the Catholic Church segregated itself at every level until the early 1980s and in some cases still do by order of the local bishop! When I was in college, I went on a service trip to Mississippi to help build houses. I had to sleep on the floor of the rectory because the "Christian families" that were sponsoring the service project didn't allow black people into their houses unless they were the help. "If I were to let that colored boy live here (yours truly), i'd have to burn the sheets when he left." I'm not bitter, but I have an understanding of race that a lot of people don't. There's nothing like having your hand extended to shake your future father-in-law and it just sit there, and have to wonder if its because he doesn't like you (impossible, everyone likes me) or doesn't like your color. Luckily I didn't let that stop me and now we actually get along (even though he is a Repub)
Next up, How could Eliot Spitzer be so stupid??!!??WTF? if you made your bones busting prostitution rings, you have first hand knowledge on how they work. Why would you do that? go see an independent? set up a deal. do something, but not a escort service. and let's talk about her. Cute, dare I say hot, but 4K hot??? not really. Plus, if you know anything about that sort of thing (not that I do, I just have friends) she's only getting about 1K of that money. maybe 2. sad. Plus, don't make your wife do the equivalent of the perp walk - it's bad enough that you got caught, then you made her look even dumber than she already did by standing there.
That's all for now. I'll blog after Easter (fun with the family - that's going to be so much fun since my sister goes to Trinity UCC, and we're really political) and my first baseball game.
Most people have a desire to look for the exception instead of the desire to become exceptional.
Monday, March 3, 2008
I'm off to Florida this week with the family at Casa Guzman south (for those in the know, the Compound is up North,dere, and even though they are Polish instead of Spanish I don't know how to say house in polish, so there you go.) It should be relaxing, other than my mother-in-law fawning over OPD and everyone worrying that HG is ok since she is pregnant. I'll get to play some golf, go watch some spring training, probably do some outlet mall shopping and also do my fantasy draft remotely. Good times.
So, the weight loss challenge is moving along nicely. I don't really know what my competetion is doing, but I'm get it done. I've lost 20 lbs since the start and my clothes are actually loose. Yippee!! Baseball started last week and I'm already beat. There's so much to do and not enough time to do it all, but we'll get it done. I'm confident that we can make it happen.
Speaking of making it happen, how about Obama getting it done in OH and TX?
That's all for now. See ya soon.
"Service is the rent we pay for living in this world."
So, the weight loss challenge is moving along nicely. I don't really know what my competetion is doing, but I'm get it done. I've lost 20 lbs since the start and my clothes are actually loose. Yippee!! Baseball started last week and I'm already beat. There's so much to do and not enough time to do it all, but we'll get it done. I'm confident that we can make it happen.
Speaking of making it happen, how about Obama getting it done in OH and TX?
That's all for now. See ya soon.
"Service is the rent we pay for living in this world."
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Change your Life Day
So yesterday was the 15th anniversary of my Mother's passing in 1993.
I'm using that as a catalyst to change my life, as that day did in 1993. Especially since she once told me that the reason she picked me out of all the other babies to adopt, was because I was destined to be an agent of change. Now I know with Barack and everyone else talking about change that sounds like a lot of hooey, but I beleive it.
As you've seen, i've started the change process already. More things are coming, both in my work life (even though that change was made for me, how I'm handling it and what will happen as I move forward is all about my decisions to affect change), my baseball team, my fraternity life (working on a new presentation about diversity, Greek Life and the 21st century; thinking about running for national office). Keep posted to the same bat channel for more. I will get what I want in this world becuase I will work for it and I deserve it.
To my Brothers in Phi Kappa Psi, Have a Happy Founders Day!
I'm using that as a catalyst to change my life, as that day did in 1993. Especially since she once told me that the reason she picked me out of all the other babies to adopt, was because I was destined to be an agent of change. Now I know with Barack and everyone else talking about change that sounds like a lot of hooey, but I beleive it.
As you've seen, i've started the change process already. More things are coming, both in my work life (even though that change was made for me, how I'm handling it and what will happen as I move forward is all about my decisions to affect change), my baseball team, my fraternity life (working on a new presentation about diversity, Greek Life and the 21st century; thinking about running for national office). Keep posted to the same bat channel for more. I will get what I want in this world becuase I will work for it and I deserve it.
To my Brothers in Phi Kappa Psi, Have a Happy Founders Day!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Why the gym both sucks and is awesome
First the awesome parts - open 24 hours, kid care for only $7, trainer is awesome, lots of fun people watching (the best - woman with Trainer who puts a leash type belt on woman and then has her run through the gym floor while he pulls back) and most of the women aren't ugly - even the one that is built like Hellga on American Gladiators (so glad that show is back on).
What sucks - treadmills, elipitacal machines and other death implements. My knee is going to fly off at the cap, but i have to keep it up, even when I get frustrated. Can't I just do like Homer Simpson and pull all the fat to the back of my body and use large clothespins...jeez this is hard.
What sucks - treadmills, elipitacal machines and other death implements. My knee is going to fly off at the cap, but i have to keep it up, even when I get frustrated. Can't I just do like Homer Simpson and pull all the fat to the back of my body and use large clothespins...jeez this is hard.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
History in the Making!
So Super Tuesday was...wait for it...Super? Well it was for me. I got to take my daughter to vote. She was in the booth with me and I she voted for most of the judges, and she even picked out Barack (i know it was luck - but i call it karma). All in all it was pretty cool and when she's 18 and about to vote for the first time, I can tell her when she did it when she was 2.
On the politics side, it looks like I'm going to get my dream scenario: a Brokered Convention. The news pundits won't know what to do, but they should be happy becuase it will be better than any drama they could put out. With Hillary and Bill winning the big states and Barack winning the most states it'll be interesting to see how their groups spin this. But did you see the both of them speak last night. Hilary either needs to invest in a teleprompter or ask her staff for more lead time - she was reading more than she was speaking; As for Barack - he was awesome! His cadence is that of a teacher/preacher and it draws you in. Looking forward to the fun to come.
Also, kudos to McCain for tweaking the tail of his party (Rush, Ann "I need to get laid" Coulter, et al) and making them madder by busting Mitt's behind last night. Also good show by the Huck and Chuck crowd as well.
Lastly, I've lost weight, but i need to lose more. My first milepost event (black tie dinner) is in less than 3 weeks.
See Y'all soon.
On the politics side, it looks like I'm going to get my dream scenario: a Brokered Convention. The news pundits won't know what to do, but they should be happy becuase it will be better than any drama they could put out. With Hillary and Bill winning the big states and Barack winning the most states it'll be interesting to see how their groups spin this. But did you see the both of them speak last night. Hilary either needs to invest in a teleprompter or ask her staff for more lead time - she was reading more than she was speaking; As for Barack - he was awesome! His cadence is that of a teacher/preacher and it draws you in. Looking forward to the fun to come.
Also, kudos to McCain for tweaking the tail of his party (Rush, Ann "I need to get laid" Coulter, et al) and making them madder by busting Mitt's behind last night. Also good show by the Huck and Chuck crowd as well.
Lastly, I've lost weight, but i need to lose more. My first milepost event (black tie dinner) is in less than 3 weeks.
See Y'all soon.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
It's getting wackier by the minute
So I found out that people are actually reading my blog - that's cool! I've gotten lots of support from people about this journey.
So yesterday I go and meet my trainer for the first time. I is a little hispanic dude with braces but he's riding the no BS express. He had me doing exercises and everything becuae he wants to help me reach my goal (and the cash that I'm paying him doesn't hurt either (memo to self - either start day care or personal training - cash cow) I thought my knee was going to pop off, but he kept me going - and who knew I could do 40 crunches in a minute?!
Lots more to come - including fun at work and the upcoming layoff!
So yesterday I go and meet my trainer for the first time. I is a little hispanic dude with braces but he's riding the no BS express. He had me doing exercises and everything becuae he wants to help me reach my goal (and the cash that I'm paying him doesn't hurt either (memo to self - either start day care or personal training - cash cow) I thought my knee was going to pop off, but he kept me going - and who knew I could do 40 crunches in a minute?!
Lots more to come - including fun at work and the upcoming layoff!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
WW and the gym
So yesterday, Monday, I went and made 2 steps in my attempt to lose weight - I joined Weight Watchers (online - I'm not going to meetings) and I joined a gym. Holly (my wife - you'll hear more about her later) was on WW back in the day and it worked for her. Me, I'm a little skeptical, but I'm going to try and work the plan. The hardest thing for me is going to be be portion control. It really hurts me to leave food on my plate when I've paid good money for it.
I also joined a gym. I joined a 24 hour place near Maison Dumas in the South Loop. It's pretty cool, although I've already almost left OPD (the daughter) in kid care. More on that after my first real trip and my first meeting with Issac, the TRAINER.
I know that this is for the best, but hell, it's going to be hard. If people have any thoughts, they can bring them here.
cya later
I also joined a gym. I joined a 24 hour place near Maison Dumas in the South Loop. It's pretty cool, although I've already almost left OPD (the daughter) in kid care. More on that after my first real trip and my first meeting with Issac, the TRAINER.
I know that this is for the best, but hell, it's going to be hard. If people have any thoughts, they can bring them here.
cya later
How this all started...
As I've said earlier, I'm a big boy. I'm the healthiest fat guy in the world. I have great cholesterol, I'm not diabetic and my blood pressure is only slightly elevated. So what. So I'm tired of being a big guy - tired of automatically asking for the seat belt extender on planes; tired of searching a new room for the chair that's not too delicate so I don't break it. Tired of buying clothes at Casual Male XL (otherwise known as Mellon Tall and Fat - Back to School).
So I sent out an e-mail to some of my fraternity Brothers (I'm a member of Phi Kappa Psi - Chapter advisor for 2 chapters and I've helped start 3 groups in IL) who were also big guys and suggested a bet. We'll all get on the scale and whoever loses the most weight, percentage wise, will each get $100 from each person. For me it was simple-hit the trigger of my vice - gambling (one of my vices, but it would be bad to use food as a reward and porn wouldn't have gone over well with the 1 female in the bet) and I'll lose weight. So there are 8 of us, so winner takes home $700 profit. The contest goes from now until the open of GAC in late July, so I think I can get it done.
The weigh in was really funny. Guys were trying to bulk up before the weigh in, eating far too much food and just throwing it down their gullets like we were feeding a goose for pate.
So I sent out an e-mail to some of my fraternity Brothers (I'm a member of Phi Kappa Psi - Chapter advisor for 2 chapters and I've helped start 3 groups in IL) who were also big guys and suggested a bet. We'll all get on the scale and whoever loses the most weight, percentage wise, will each get $100 from each person. For me it was simple-hit the trigger of my vice - gambling (one of my vices, but it would be bad to use food as a reward and porn wouldn't have gone over well with the 1 female in the bet) and I'll lose weight. So there are 8 of us, so winner takes home $700 profit. The contest goes from now until the open of GAC in late July, so I think I can get it done.
The weigh in was really funny. Guys were trying to bulk up before the weigh in, eating far too much food and just throwing it down their gullets like we were feeding a goose for pate.
Let's get it started
Welcome! This is to be the first of many entries as I talk about my life and about things that I think are important - if you think that just sounds like it's my soapbox, you're right, but you can respond if you like and we can debate once and a while as well.
While I'll probably talk about a variety of topics (Baseball, coaching kids, college basketball, golf - gotta love that guy Eldrick - , poker, politics, shoes, clothes and my views on the American Fraternity) the bulk of what I write about will be about my quest to lose weight. You see, I'm fat. Not need a forklift to move fat, or breaking chairs fat (even though I've done that, but not for a while), but I'm a big boy. I'm not going to tell you my weight, at least for now, but i will tell you my successes and my failures. I'll talk about what works for me and the fun of trying to figure out how to get the things I love (gummi bears anyone??) and still get to my goal weight of 199. Really its not about a goal weight, but about a goal size: I want to be able to buy pants at the Gap!
So with that being said, here we go. I hope you come along for the ride and feel free to comment.
While I'll probably talk about a variety of topics (Baseball, coaching kids, college basketball, golf - gotta love that guy Eldrick - , poker, politics, shoes, clothes and my views on the American Fraternity) the bulk of what I write about will be about my quest to lose weight. You see, I'm fat. Not need a forklift to move fat, or breaking chairs fat (even though I've done that, but not for a while), but I'm a big boy. I'm not going to tell you my weight, at least for now, but i will tell you my successes and my failures. I'll talk about what works for me and the fun of trying to figure out how to get the things I love (gummi bears anyone??) and still get to my goal weight of 199. Really its not about a goal weight, but about a goal size: I want to be able to buy pants at the Gap!
So with that being said, here we go. I hope you come along for the ride and feel free to comment.
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