Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lots of Balls in the air, let's hope none of them fall soon

Hi, everybody. So it's that time of the year where everything is coming at me - Founder's Day for the fraternity is 30 days away, which means my bienniel decision on if I'm going to run for office for the National Fraternity. I'm leaning towards no, but I still have 30 days, or so, and then i have until late july to really make up my mind.  Then I have my baseball team, who I have never met, who I need to hire coaches for yesterday, and for whom I need to go and really take stock of what we have in the inventory for things like balls, bats, etc.  This is nuts. Lastly, my personal live has been going topsy turvy and I don't know what to do about that - life changes, people coming in and out of my life - the want for LAsiK, all of these things are going on and I have to get a grip on this stuff by March 1. The one good thing is the fact that I've started selling stuff - people are buying insurance and I'm making money.

More to come later

Posted via email from Marc's posterous

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year- New Posting

Happy New Year!
As I said in my last post, I'm going to be committed to writing here more often.
I hope everyone hada great New Year's Eve/Day and is now focused on the new year. For me, that's about  4 things: Family, Work, Health, and Phi Psi.
Today is about work. My father told me that no one has ever drowned in a puddle of sweat. I've acted like I could drown in a second, and that's going to change. I'm really going to be focued to getting my career and my business off of the ground. To that end, I need your help. If you are one of the few people that actually read this blog, I need referrals for people that need insurance. If you send me a referral and they turn into a client, then I will send you a $100 gift card of your choice.
I know that it's not a lot, but I'm trying to get this moving, and I figured any little thing would help.

See ya soon - next post will be on Phi Psi


Posted via email from Marc's posterous

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

OK, So I hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve last night. Mine was made awesome by watching someone who normally doesn't ever get drunk get so plastered that he had to go and sit in the car and go home before midnight! WOW. I'm not going to name names, but if you're in my fraternity, he's my chapter brother...if you've ever been out with me, you've probably met him

On to other things - I'm not going to make resolutions - I'm just going to do stuff
For example - one of my goals is to be able to buy clothes in a normal store by July 15; another is to hit a certain monthly sales goal; another is to spend more time with my children and have fun.

More to follow soon...

Glad you got to see me!

Posted via email from Marc's posterous