Thursday, November 1, 2012

Back at it!!

Greetings Gentle Reader:
Again sorry its been so long that I've been away, but with all of the social media out there sometimes I just forget about my blog - but no more.
Since the Election is almost over - GO VOTE - all of you - I can get back to writing and also talk about my struggle with my weight.  As you might have heard, I'm getting married to a wonderful woman who loves me for who I am, not what I look like (how I found her, it's beyond me, but she's mine now). Didn't really worry about it, but there's nothing like a little kid telling you that you have a big butt, or your daughter asking will you always be fat to make you get to work on things. Getting married in 330 days from me writing this post. Have to get to my fighting weight by September 1 (really have to get there by July 15 (if I can get there, then I get to order myself a new tuxedo - woot) so I have to get on the stick, even though I have a bunch of obstacles in my way - Thanksgiving at my sisters, Christmas, New Year's bowl games, super bowl, Keeneland trip, bachelor party, etc... But I can do this

As of this afternoon, I weigh ___lbs and my goal weight is 225 lbs. just under 1 lb/day - Is it possible? sure. Is it plausable? not likely, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try. got a copy of P90X - check
no longer drinking pop - check
changing my diet - that's going to be the hard one. Being poor means you eat what's cheap. I will find a way to no longer be poor, and to eat better.

I want to be clear - I'm doing this for lots of reasons (for my fiancee, for my kids, for awesome wedding pictures) but the main reason is to get healthy. I want to be here for a long time; to see my kids graduate college and get married; to grow old. To just be.

I'll keep you posted on this, other things I need to fix, and the fun that is wedding planning.

Talk to you soon.
