Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's been a long time

So I'm now going to really try and be committed to writing on my blog about 2x/week. I know that I said that during lent, and I failed at that, but I think I can do this. I'm still losing weight (down about 35 lbs over all, but no where near my goal weight. My pants fit better and people notice it in my face, so that's a good thing.

I went to my 20th high school reunion last weekend and it was, to say the least, a blast from the past. It was funny to watch some things occur:
  • People falling back into their old cliques from high school
  • No real deep conversations -almost every conversation that I either heard or participated in went like this, " Hi. its so good to see you. are you married? do you have any kids?" and moved from there - either into parent zone, or sort of scorn for those who haven't borne any fruit... unless they were living some fab life, and we had some of those.
  • people still holding on to whatever baggage they had in HS, and the amazement that they brought it with them to the reunion
It was also funny to watch the backhanded compliments I received for my children and how damn attractive they are. Nothing like some girl you went to high school with, who didn't have time for you then saying to you, "who's the father of those children, because they are too cute to be yours. ha ha ha." That's always a good time. Glad my wife wasn't there - she might have hurt someone.
That's all for now, see ya soon

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