Saturday, August 8, 2009

My social experiment

So, I'm going through a lot of stuff right now - the search for a new job, stresses at home; fighting a myriad of factors that are causing havoc in my life, and I wanted to stop and take stock of what's going on. I thought a good place would be to determine how the world sees me. Try and take an objective look at me through the eyes of my friends (and my enemies, and my frenimies) using the most viable social platform out there - Facebook.

I asked the question:

I would like you to tell me what about me made you decide to say, "I like him." It could be something funny; it could be something deep, or something in between. If you could do this for me, I'd be very grateful. (If the answer is nothing, or, I hate that SOB, well, that's fine, too as it will help me with my project)

and the responses I got were interesting - people talked about how genuine I was (and still try to be); people talked about how welcoming I am; my love and dedication for my fraternity; how good I strive to be for my friends, the fact that I'm easy to talk to and that I always have an ear for people.
Some people talked about my character and my concern for otehrs and I even got some people to talk about my politics and how I force others to look at both sides. Some talked bout the first time they met me and how I looked (my penchant for bow-ties, ect)

The best comment I got, though, was probably from the person who responded who knows me the least - I've only met him face to face 1 time for 2 days while he was interviewing me for a job. He said,

"There's a passionate and sincere tone in your voice when you talk about the things you love ... your family, fraternity, friends... I appreciate that you live your life with a servant's heart. You're a gentleman"

That quote alone really made me take stock in who I am, and who I had become lately. It's my hope moving forward that I live up to that quote, because if we all do, we'll live in a much better place. What it really made me do was become dedicated to getting off of my ass and really getting to work. If people see me as that person then I have to be that person and live up to the ideals that are there.

that's all for now - see ya soon

Posted via email from Marc's posterous

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