Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Change your Life Day

So yesterday was the 15th anniversary of my Mother's passing in 1993.

I'm using that as a catalyst to change my life, as that day did in 1993. Especially since she once told me that the reason she picked me out of all the other babies to adopt, was because I was destined to be an agent of change. Now I know with Barack and everyone else talking about change that sounds like a lot of hooey, but I beleive it.

As you've seen, i've started the change process already. More things are coming, both in my work life (even though that change was made for me, how I'm handling it and what will happen as I move forward is all about my decisions to affect change), my baseball team, my fraternity life (working on a new presentation about diversity, Greek Life and the 21st century; thinking about running for national office). Keep posted to the same bat channel for more. I will get what I want in this world becuase I will work for it and I deserve it.

To my Brothers in Phi Kappa Psi, Have a Happy Founders Day!


Monday, February 11, 2008

Why the gym both sucks and is awesome

First the awesome parts - open 24 hours, kid care for only $7, trainer is awesome, lots of fun people watching (the best - woman with Trainer who puts a leash type belt on woman and then has her run through the gym floor while he pulls back) and most of the women aren't ugly - even the one that is built like Hellga on American Gladiators (so glad that show is back on).

What sucks - treadmills, elipitacal machines and other death implements. My knee is going to fly off at the cap, but i have to keep it up, even when I get frustrated. Can't I just do like Homer Simpson and pull all the fat to the back of my body and use large clothespins...jeez this is hard.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

History in the Making!

So Super Tuesday was...wait for it...Super? Well it was for me. I got to take my daughter to vote. She was in the booth with me and I she voted for most of the judges, and she even picked out Barack (i know it was luck - but i call it karma). All in all it was pretty cool and when she's 18 and about to vote for the first time, I can tell her when she did it when she was 2.

On the politics side, it looks like I'm going to get my dream scenario: a Brokered Convention. The news pundits won't know what to do, but they should be happy becuase it will be better than any drama they could put out. With Hillary and Bill winning the big states and Barack winning the most states it'll be interesting to see how their groups spin this. But did you see the both of them speak last night. Hilary either needs to invest in a teleprompter or ask her staff for more lead time - she was reading more than she was speaking; As for Barack - he was awesome! His cadence is that of a teacher/preacher and it draws you in. Looking forward to the fun to come.

Also, kudos to McCain for tweaking the tail of his party (Rush, Ann "I need to get laid" Coulter, et al) and making them madder by busting Mitt's behind last night. Also good show by the Huck and Chuck crowd as well.

Lastly, I've lost weight, but i need to lose more. My first milepost event (black tie dinner) is in less than 3 weeks.

See Y'all soon.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

It's getting wackier by the minute

So I found out that people are actually reading my blog - that's cool! I've gotten lots of support from people about this journey.

So yesterday I go and meet my trainer for the first time. I is a little hispanic dude with braces but he's riding the no BS express. He had me doing exercises and everything becuae he wants to help me reach my goal (and the cash that I'm paying him doesn't hurt either (memo to self - either start day care or personal training - cash cow) I thought my knee was going to pop off, but he kept me going - and who knew I could do 40 crunches in a minute?!

Lots more to come - including fun at work and the upcoming layoff!