Saturday, September 5, 2009

TJ's presents come early

The boy wonder got some presents early since his grandparents came early. Party is tomorrow

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Posted via email from Marc's posterous

Friday, September 4, 2009

I need to come up with a name...

...for TJ's party, and parties in the future. You see, we call Olivia's party oliviapalooza and she loves it and it has a nice ring to it. What do we call this one? Festival de Theodore? TEDFEST? Destruction time? (he likes to rip things apart - these kids couldn't be any more different if we tried - his latest is yanking the cable lines out of the wall). But it should be a good time for the kids. We're going to Gymboree, which allows the kids to run off some energy while the adults sit back and watch. i think I have camera duty, unless i can pawn that off on one of my fraternity brothers. Other than the clown (those of you that know me know that is one of the few phobias I have) it should be a hoot. And, when we are done, we can go for italian ice at mario's (the season is about to end soon) or even better, there's a bar next door!

Can you believe that it's been a year already? I can't

Thank you to my dear sweet wife for giving us this great gift. I love you little man...

See and download the full gallery on posterous

Posted via email from Marc's posterous