Thursday, November 18, 2010

The cleanse

Gentle reader,
As you might be aware, yesterday, thanks to the efforts of Jimmy Kimmel, was National UnFriend Day on Facebook. You could, without guilt, get rid of all of the people that you really don't talk to on this site, people that you signed up because you wanted to pad your stats, people who were cute and you met at the bar and then never spoke to again and people who just have ticked you off.

I did just that - My goal in my purge was simple - get under 1000 friends ( the next purge might be far more brutal, but it too needs to be done)

Bye, bars and clubs I'll never visit again. So long to the people that shill for special events and send me 15 events to answer a week. It's been real.

I loved it. Everyone should do it! just go and blow people up.

If you're reading this, then guess what, you made the cut and hooray. If not, I'm sorry... No hard feelings.

Posted via email from Marc's posterous